We put the Xiaomi 14 through our rigorous SBMARK Camera test suite to measure its performance in terms of photo, video and zoom quality from an end-user perspective. This article analyzes the behavior of the device in a series of tests and several common use cases and aims to highlight the most important results of our tests with an excerpt of the acquired data.


Najważniejsze dane aparatu:

  • Główny: czujnik 50 MP 1/1.31″, odpowiednik 23 mm, obiektyw z przysłoną f/1.6, AF, OIS
  • Ultraszerokokątny: 50 MP, ogniskowa odpowiadająca 14 mm, obiektyw z przysłoną f/2.2, 115°
  • Tele: 50 MP, odpowiednik 75 mm, obiektyw z przysłoną f/2.0, AF, OIS


  • Dokładna ekspozycja docelowa we wszystkich testowanych warunkach
  • Dość neutralny balans bieli we wszystkich testowanych warunkach
  • Wysoka trwałość szczegółów w trybach zdjęć i wideo
  • Niski poziom hałasu w trybie fotograficznym
  • W trybie tele wysoki poziom szczegółowości


  • Problemy z dopasowaniem ekspozycji często widoczne w filmach w większości testowanych warunków
  • Niski kontrast na twarzach w jasnym świetle i przy podświetleniu
  • W trybie wideo szumy są zauważalne przy słabym oświetleniu
  • Artefakty, takie jak odblaski i duszki, są często widoczne w trybie fotograficznym

Xiaomi 14 wykazał znaczną poprawę jakości obrazu, szczególnie w przypadku filmów, w porównaniu do swojego poprzednika, Xiaomi 13, częściowo dzięki ulepszeniom sprzętowym, takim jak większy czujnik i większa apertura.

The device received high marks for its texture-noise trade-off, with images having a high level of detail and low noise in most conditions tested. The texture-noise compromise is one of the best we’ve seen for this price range, surpassing its direct competitors. The Xiaomi’s neutral white balance in most situations means that the device is particularly suitable for taking landscape photos. However, when taking photos of people outdoors, the images often showed mixed results, with low contrast on faces and sometimes overexposure of the subject. This would have affected the color rendering, which was at times imprecise and desaturated. The device showed some irregularities in autofocus. When photographing action scenes, the images would contain some artifacts, such as ghosting, giving the photo an unnatural photographic appearance.

Wydajność zoomu Xiaomi 14 była dobra w swoim segmencie, wspomagana przez czujnik 50 MP modułu tele, który zapewniał obrazy o bogatej teksturze, szczególnie przy korzystaniu z zoomu dalekiego zasięgu.

The video experience of the Xiaomi 14 has been much improved compared to previous generations. The target exposure was accurate and the videos contained a wide dynamic range both indoors and outdoors. Similar to photos, videos contained plenty of detail and texture, while white balance remained fairly neutral. Video autofocus was a little unstable when panning a scene, but overall autofocus was much better than on the Xiaomi 13. Furthermore, videos also showed some exposure instabilities in several tested conditions.

Wydajność wideo Xiaomi 14 przy słabym oświetleniu była nieco gorsza niż u konkurentów z tego samego segmentu cenowego, głównie z powodu bardziej zauważalnych szumów i niedokładnego renderowania odcieni skóry.

Podsumowanie testu

O testach kamer SBMARK: SBMARK camera evaluations take place in laboratories and real-world situations using a wide variety of subjects. Scores are based on objective tests whose results are calculated directly by the measurement software in our laboratory setups, and on perceptual tests where a sophisticated set of metrics allows a panel of imaging experts to compare aspects of image quality images that require human judgment. Testing a smartphone involves a team of engineers and technicians for about a week. Photo, zoom and video quality are evaluated separately and then combined into an overall score for comparing cameras on different devices. For more information on the SBMARK camera protocol, click here. More details on smartphone camera scores can be found here. The following section compiles key elements of SBMARK’s comprehensive testing and analysis. Full performance evaluations are available upon request. Please contact us to find out how to receive a full report.

Aparat Xiaomi zdobywa 14 punktów Cons Premium

This graph compares SBMARK photo, zoom, and video scores between the tested device and the references. The average and maximum scores of the price range are also indicated. The average and maximum scores for each price segment are calculated based on the SBMARK database of tested devices.



Huawei Mate 60 Pro +

Huawei Mate 60 Pro +

O testach fotograficznych aparatu SBMARK

For scoring and analysis, SBMARK engineers capture and evaluate more than 2,600 test images in both controlled laboratory environments and natural outdoor, indoor, and low-light scenes, using the camera’s default settings. The photography protocol is designed to take into account key use cases and is based on typical shooting scenarios, such as portrait, family and landscape photography. Evaluation is performed by visually examining images Cons a natural scene reference and performing objective measurements on laboratory-captured graph images under varying lighting conditions from 1 to 1,000+ lux and color temperatures from 2,300K to 6,500K.

Zdjęcie Xiaomi zdobywa 14 punktów Premium

Photography tests analyze image quality attributes such as exposure, color, texture and noise under various lighting conditions. Autofocus performance and the presence of artifacts are also evaluated on all images captured under controlled laboratory conditions and in real-life images. All of these attributes have a significant impact on the final quality of images captured with the tested device and can help understand the camera’s key strengths and weaknesses.

Xiaomi 14 – Accurate target exposure, neutral white balance. The level of detail is high and noise is well controlled.

Nieregularność i prędkość autofokusa: przenośne światło dzienne 1000Lux Δ0EV

This graph illustrates focus accuracy and speed as well as zero shutter lag capability by showing edge sharpness versus shooting time measured with the AFHDR setup over a series of images. All photos were taken at 1000 Lux with daylight illuminant, 500 ms after blur. Edge sharpness is measured on the four edges of the Dead Leaves chart and shooting time is measured on the LED universal timer.

WYKRES SBMARK (DMC) Retencja szczegółów w porównaniu z poziomami luksów w warunkach statywu i trzymania w ręku

This graph shows the evolution of the DMC detail retention score with lux level, for two retention conditions. The DMC Detail Retention Score is derived from an AI-based metric trained to evaluate the performance of texture and detail on a selection of crops from our SBMARK chart.

Ewolucja szumu wizualnego wraz z poziomami oświetlenia w warunkach ręcznych

This graph shows the evolution of the visual noise metric with lux level in handheld conditions. The visual noise metric is the average of the visual noise measurement across all areas of the Dead Leaves graph in the AFHDR configuration. SBMARK visual noise measurement is derived from the ISO15739 standard.





Dowiedz się więcej o testach zoomu kamer SBMARK

SBMARK engineers capture and evaluate more than 400 test images in controlled laboratory environments and in natural outdoor, indoor, and low-light scenes, using default camera settings and pinch zoom at various zoom factors from ultra wide zoom to long range zoom. The evaluation is performed by visually examining the images Cons a reference of natural scenes and performing objective measurements of map images captured in the laboratory under different conditions from 20 to 1000 lux and color temperatures from 2300K to 6500K.

Xiaomi zdobywa 14 punktów Zoom w porównaniu z Premium

This graph illustrates the relative scores for the different zoom ranges evaluated. The abscissa is expressed in focal length equivalent to 35 mm. Zoomed scores appear on the right and zoomed scores appear on the left.



Apple iPhone 15 Pro

Apple iPhone 15 Pro

O testach wideo kamery SBMARK

SBMARK engineers capture and evaluate more than 2.5 hours of video in controlled laboratory environments and natural low-light scenes, indoors and outdoors, using default camera settings. The evaluation consists of visual inspection of natural videos taken under various conditions and performing objective measurements on videos of graphs recorded in the laboratory under different conditions from 1 to 1000+ lux and color temperatures from 2,300 K to 6,500 K.

Wideo Xiaomi ma 14 punktów Premium

Testy wideo analizują te same atrybuty jakości obrazu, co w przypadku zdjęć, takie jak ekspozycja, kolor, tekstura lub szum, a także aspekty czasowe, takie jak szybkość, płynność i stabilność ekspozycji, balans bieli i przejścia autofokusa.

Xiaomi 14 – Acceptable target exposure in low light conditions with some limitations in dynamic range and notable exposure adaptation. Skin tones are not always accurate and noise is visible. Details, however, are quite well preserved for a low-light condition.

WYKRES SBMARK (DMC) Wynik zachowania szczegółów wideo w funkcji poziomów luksów

This graph shows the evolution of the DMC detail retention video score with the lux level in the video. The DMC Detail Retention Score is derived from an AI-based metric trained to evaluate the performance of texture and detail on a selection of crops from our SBMARK chart.

Ewolucja przestrzennego szumu wizualnego wraz z poziomem oświetlenia

Wykres ten przedstawia ewolucję przestrzennego szumu wizualnego wraz z poziomem luksów. Przestrzenny szum wizualny jest mierzony na wykresie szumu wizualnego w konfiguracji szumu wideo. Pomiar hałasu wizualnego SBMARK opiera się na normie ISO15739.

Czasowa ewolucja szumu wizualnego wraz z poziomem oświetlenia

Ten wykres pokazuje ewolucję tymczasowego szumu wizualnego wraz z poziomem luksów. Tymczasowy szum wizualny jest mierzony na wykresie szumu wizualnego w konfiguracji szumu wideo.

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